Monday, January 19, 2009

A Look at the Future of U.S. Cyberwar

Aviation week takes a look at the future (and convergence) of cyber and other electronic warfare. Some of the more notable quotes from the article include:
"In a few years, the U.S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps expect to be delivering airborne electronic fires and cyber-attacks for ground troops with a fusion of radio battalions, EA-6B Prowlers, EA-18G Growlers and a range of UAVs."

"...As cyber- and electronic attack technologies emerge, it is becoming harder to distinguish between cyberwarfare, directed energy and electronic attack, intelligence gathering and information operations. Rationalization of all these elements also is complicated by shrinking manpower and funding."

"...However, researchers are worried that pieces of the digital puzzle are still missing - in particular, projection of new threats that foes may throw at the U.S."

Cyber-Attack Operations Near

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